2020 Colorado State Board of Education Civics Standards by Grade, K-8
Civics is one of four standards in the area of social studies. The others are: history, geography, and economics. Below are the 2020 standards for civics education for grades K-8, noting where the standards refer to including factual information on the US government or Colorado government:
Kindergarten – No Reference to US or Colorado government
- Participate in making fair and reasoned decisions using democratic traditions.
First Grade – Reference to American and Colorado flags, civic holidays, places, symbols, and leaders; otherwise, none.
- Effective groups have responsible leaders and team members.
- Notable people, places, holidays, and civic symbols.
Second Grade – No reference to US or Colorado government
- Advocate for ideas to improve communities.
- Identify and compare multiple ways that people understand and resolve conflicts and differences.
Third Grade – No reference to US or Colorado government
- Respect the views and rights of others.
- The origins, structures, and functions of local government.
Fourth Grade
- Identify, investigate, and analyze multiple perspectives on civic issues.
- The origins, structures, and functions of the Colorado government.
Fifth Grade
- Construct an understanding of the foundations of citizenship in the United States.
- The origins, structures, and functions of the United States government.
Sixth Grade
- Analyze the relationships of different nations in the Western Hemisphere.
- Systems of government in the Western Hemisphere.
Seventh Grade
- Analyze the civic similarities and differences within governmental systems in the Eastern Hemisphere.
- Nations in various regions of the Eastern Hemisphere interact with international organizations, govern, organize, and impact their societies in different ways.
Eighth Grade
- Construct an understanding of the changing definition of citizenship and the expansion of rights of citizens in the United States.
- The purpose and place of rule of law in a constitutional system.
Source: 2020 Colorado Academic Standards: Social Studies, All Students, All Standards. Colorado Department of Education.